Monday, October 5, 2015


October 4, 2015

Yesterday I attended a family reunion for the descendants of Jesse James Poyner and Galeenah Carney Poyner considering they had 10 children the turnout was fairly low, but it was a good group and we all had fun.

I want to thank Jetta Smith, d/o (daughter of) Paul Poyner for pulling it together.  We are all getting older and the first generation cousins are starting to thin out a bit. We definitely need to get together more often before we are all gone.

I personally enjoyed the great food and reconnecting with cousins.  We discussed our family genealogy, family stories and I promised to share the research I have been doing on this set of patches for this section of my “family quilt.”

I guess I should explain that term, “family quilt”, I have always felt we are all the pieces of a huge quilt made from the pieces of the past, our ancestors.  So I refer to my genealogy as the family quilt.

So back to why this blog is being created and what it will hold in the future. 
At one point I had a pretty elaborate webpage that was for all my genealogy for both sides of my children’s ancestry.  It had music and lots of details, but no photos and soon became bulky and hard to add to or make corrections to a time went on. 

Then we changed providers for our internet and lost that webpage.  I’ve often toyed with putting another one back up, but I wanted it to be more than just a boring list of who was the s/o (son of) and who md (married) who. 

I wanted all the living relatives to be able to read and contribute family stories to, find the facts, the photos, copies of the legal documents and so much more.  Because by sharing what we know we can all learn more about who we are and maybe why we are the way we are.

This morning it dawned on me I could create a blog, post what I have gathered since 1988 and encourage other family members to share what they know or have. 

My contact info is here on the page and I would love to hear from you be you a close relative or a distant cousin either by blood or by love.  I would like not only the basic facts you have for your branch, but any stories you might have about our ancestors.

I am also looking for copies of photos of family members, their homes, businesses, vehicles, graves,  birth/marriage/death certificates, military records, awards or certifications they might have received, just basically anything that can tell us more about them.  And yes, I do want all marriages because some of those marriages produced children that are our cousins.

I  have a request:  Please write up an “I remember Mama/Papa” story of your parents that you can share with all of us.  I know I have my own memories of most of the aunts and uncles, but others I knew very little about.  I will post your stories here on the blog with credit to you for the writing.

I would also like stories about our departed cousins.

Plus if any of you have a favorite memory of any of the relatives I would love to have those stories to share as well.

Please send them to me privately at: this email is different from my facebook email and is reserved for friends and family. If you send it to the other address I might not see it for days, or weeks even.

Now a few rules I have imposed on myself.  While I want the name, birth date etc of all the living individuals for my personal use I will not be publishing the birth dates or contact information.  I MAY, still wishy washy on that, put their names, but all other info will simply say living.  I would like your input on the names situation. 

If someone contacts me saying they would like to connect with a certain living family member I will contact that family member and give them the info, ask them if they want to be in touch with that person and then if so give them both the others contact info.  From then on it is up to them.

Also any stories, let’s keep them family friendly.   You send the stories to me, and with your permission I will put them up on this blog.  Same for the photos and other information.  If you send me some documentation you do not want put on the blog please tell me up front, and it will not be posted. 

Each post will include the basic information of that particular patch of the quilt.  I use the Family Treemaker Genealogy program and it has a lot of options to it.  If anyone has FTM (Family Treemaker) and wants a copy of my records to this point I can send them a file electronically.

Others that want copies of the entire genealogy I have on the Poyners and Carneys I can do it as pdf file and email it to you as an attachment, or hard copies, but both will be quite large.  I have some lines back very far in history.  If you want them in either format let me know and we’ll work it all out so you get copies of your own quilt. I am also willing to share copies of any photo, or scan I post. I will zip electronic files when possible to cut down the transmission size.

So that is the basic intro.  I’m already working on the first post about your ancestors.  I hope to hear from Poyners and Carneys from all over as a result of this blog.  If you know of other family members that are on facebook, or can be contacted in other ways about the family genealogy I would love their contact info or you can give them mine.

Anytime a blog post is added I will post it on facebook.  If you are not on facebook click the link on this page to follow this blog and you will receive notifications about any updates. I will also try to remember to email those not on facebook when a post is up.  However, I get busy, so if you see there is a post and know a family member not on facebook you might let them know.

If you have any comments to make on a post feel free to leave them in the comments box below or to email me privately.

Oh one other thing, I tend to end all emails and many of my blog posts (and I do write several other blogs—see the list on this page and hyperlink to them if you like) as Jan fill in the blank in OK.  It’s a long story, but basically that signature is a result of a misunderstanding on a yahoogroup years ago.

Charolett “Jan” Boykin Patterson d/o #9 Hazel Elizabeth Poyner Boykin in OK

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